
Image Credit – Oleg Magni on Pexels.com

The external façade, tranquil and appealing

Too many make believes and silent feelings

Caged tight, safely and extraordinarily strong

Least they depart and flutter along

Reveal the blackness, the real self, that’s hidden deep inside

Loathsome, troubling and always wishing for the soul to die

Anticipating to mourn its own slow death, that’s always near

But the devil still wants to hide amidst some strange fear

What that is though is hidden but still obvious

Another facade that’s beautiful but hideous

The veil waiting to be lifted once the hiding is uncovered

While it strives to control from the inside and remain undiscovered

For how long though will the forged innocence hide the true intentions

The sea after all can’t replace a river even though it works as its extension

The saltiness will expose itself gradually with small confessions

Letting the pretty façade finally crumble to expose what’s actually inside those fake innocent expressions

16 thoughts on “Hypocrite

  1. नकली असली की उलझन,नकली में कितने नकली उसकी गिनती की उलझन,इसी में लग जाता जीवन…..उम्दा कविता है 👌

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Brilliantly penned, Deepak! Particularly these lines —

    “The sea after all can’t replace a river even though it works as its extension
    The saltiness will expose itself gradually with small confessions”

    Liked by 1 person

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